Sunday, August 24, 2014

Keep Calm, and welcome to college

Hello everyone!

Hope you all had a nice weekend!  Today I decided to do a post about starting college.  Soon I'll be going into my Sophomore year of college, but I'm seeing a lot of my Facebook friends moving in.  I wanted to give you some tips on how to handle Freshman year.

Starting college alone is a nerve-wracking experience.  Big school, more people and harder classes...and on top of that, moving into a dorm, with a stranger!

Here are some Poochie Pointers for starting college

1) Stay open minded! College is a whole new world, and you can't look at things with a narrow mind.  There are going to be different classes to experience, clubs to join and people to meet.  I went to a small all girl, Catholic, private school, so college was a huge change for me.  But I made sure to keep my eyes and ears wide open and be open to new things.  Sign up for one club you usually wouldn't...who knows, maybe it'll become something you love!

2) Stay active!  I'm sure you've heard this from everyone, but it's really the truth.  Now when I say stay active, I don't just mean go to the gym.  Don't sit in your room on your laptop, go outside and play frisbee (that seems to be a big thing in college)  Have a lot of homework?  Take it to a quiet area outside on your campus.  Join an activity or club that helps you keep active, like the Dance Ensemble.  But also, do go to the gym!  It really makes a difference.  Working out releases endorphins, and endorphins make you happy! (Elle Woods said so)

3) Take a risk (a safe one of course)  I like to take risks, but small ones, so I guess you could say, try new things.  Sometimes in our dining hall, they have international food nights, so go over and try something different!  Another example, I was never a huge outdoors girl but my school is surrounded by beautiful mountains, so I'm dying to take a hike!

4) Going along with staying active, take care of your body! Unfortunately, the Freshman 15 can really exist but it doesn't have to!!  Make each meal a healthy one.  Make sure your breakfast is full of fiber to keep you full and ready for a full day.  Something I like to do is alternate with a big lunch or dinner.  If I see something delicious for lunch like tacos or burritos, I'll make sure to have a grilled chicken salad for dinner.  That's another really important thing I must mention, treat yourself.  You're young, you're in college and you're allowed to have a few slices of pizza after a night out or a cone of ice cream, but all in moderation.

I hope this really helps some of you out!

Keep on smilin',

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